Entrectinib, the kinase inhibitor drug initially discovered and developed by Nerviano Medical Sciences approved by AIFA in two oncology indications

Entrectinib, the kinase inhibitor drug that was initially discovered and developed by Nerviano Medical Sciences (a member of NMS Group) and that is now marketed by Roche and partners, has received approval for marketing and reimbursement from the Italian drug agency AIFA in two oncology indications: lung cancer ROS1 kinase fusion positive, and any solid […]
Accelera and BiomimX: Commercial agreement

Nerviano, 30 June 2021 Accelera Srl and BiomimX® Srl have signed a non-exclusive commercial agreement following an intense scientific collaboration aimed at introducing and applying new technological solutions to the drug discovery process. The commercial agreement between the Companies determines that Accelera proposes within its commercial offer BiomimX®’s technological solutions: uHeart and uKnee. uHeart, is […]
NMS Group wins China Awards for creating concrete values

Nerviano, 9 February 2021 NMS Group has been named the winner of the “Value creators’ category at the prestigious ‘China Awards 2021′ during the online event held by the Italy China Foundation on Monday 8 February 2021. The “Value creators’ award is a recognition for companies in Italy that have successfully implemented concrete projects aiming […]