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Neutrophil Elastase Promotes Linker Cleavage and Paclitaxel Release from an Integrin-Targeted Conjugate

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Investigating miRNA-IncRNA interactions: Computational tools and resources

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Drug-Initiated synthesis of Heterotelechelic Polymer Prodrug Nanoparticles for in vivo imaging and cancer cell targeting

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Mechanism of action of the tumor vessel targeting agent NGR-hTNF: Role of both NGR peptide and hTNF in cell binding and signaling

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16th Annual Meeting of the Bioinformatics Italian Society

June 26-28 Palermo, Italy 16th Annual Meeting of the Bioinformatics Italian Society
Glioma in 2019: Standard of care of IDHwt glioblastoma and IDHmt lower grade glioma Martin Van Den Bent

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International School of Process chemistry

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Terapie personalizzate nelle neoplasie mieloidi

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