15th Annual PEGS Boston

April 8-12 Boston, MA, USA 15th Annual PEGS Boston
Keystone symposium Proteomics and its Application to Translational and Precision Medicine

April 7–11 Stockholm, Sweden Keystone symposium Proteomics and its Application to Translational and Precision Medicine
257th ACS National Meeting & Exposition

March 31 – April 4 Orlando, Florida, USA 257th ACS National Meeting & Exposition
AACR 2019

March 29 – April 3 Atlanta, Georgia, USA AACR 2019
6th CDDD Meeting computationally driven drug discovery

March 28-29 Rome, Italy 6th CDDD Meeting computationally driven drug discovery
3rd World Conference on Cancer biology and immunology

March 11-12 Milan, Italy 3rd World Conference on Cancer biology and immunology
Pre-clinical mouse models and breast cancer organoids reveal clues to therapeutic resistance and disease progression

November 20, 2018 (1:30 PM) Pre-clinical mouse models and breast cancer organoids reveal clues to therapeutic resistance and disease progression Kristina Havas Metabolism, Epigenetics and Breast Cancer, FIRC Institute for Molecular Oncology, IFOM Milan
The physic of collective cancer migration

November 13, 2018 (1:30 PM) The physic of collective cancer migration Giorgio Scita Tumor Cell Migration Unit, IFOM Milano & Department of Oncology, University of Milan
Pathology Lab for Translational Medicine

October 10, 2018 (1:30 PM) Pathology Lab for Translational Medicine Giancarlo Pruneri Dip. Anatomia Patologica 2, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan
Treatment options in high risk multiple myeloma

October 16, 2018 (1:30 PM) Treatment options in high risk multiple myeloma Paolo Corradini Dip. Oncologia Medica ed Ematologia, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan