40 Congress of the European Society of Medical Oncology

8-12 settembre Madrid, Spain 40 Congress of the European Society of Medical Oncology
EACR AACR SIC:The challenges of optimising immuno and targeted therapies – from cancer biology to clinic

24-27 giugno Firenze, Italia EACR AACR SIC:The challenges of optimising immuno and targeted therapies – from cancer biology to clinic Abstract: 318 – NMS-P088 is a small molecule potent CSF1R kinase inhibitor with macrophages immunomodulatory activity
18th Annual Drug Discovery Summit

12-13 giugno Berlino, Germany 18th Annual Drug Discovery Summit
VII Congresso nazionale organizzato da ISMRM Italian Chapter

8-9 giugno Gaeta, Italia VII Congresso nazionale organizzato da ISMRM Italian Chapter
AACR 2017

1-5 aprile Washington, USA AACR 2017 Abstract 5163 – Characterization of NMS-E194, a selective and potent PERK inhibitor with efficacy in the KMS-11 multiple myeloma Abstract 2082 –NMS-E668, a potent and selective RET kinase inhibitor characterized by specificity towards VEGFR2 and high antitumor efficacy against RET-driven models
Fragments 2017 – 6th RSC-BMCS Fragment-based Drug Discovery meeting

5-7 marzo Vienna, Austria Fragments 2017 – 6th RSC-BMCS Fragment-based Drug Discovery meeting Abstract: P04 – Purinome targeted, fragment based lead discovery: identification of novel HSP90 inhibitors
ER Stress, Autophagy & Immune System

26-27 gennaio Bruges, Belgium ER Stress, Autophagy & Immune System