Fugazza C, Barbarani G, Elangovan S, Marini MG, Giolitto S, Font-Monclus I, Marongiu MF, Manunza L, Strouboulis J, Cantù C, Gasparri F, Barabino SML, Nakamura Y, Ottolenghi S, Moi P, Ronchi AE
Haematologica (2021), 106(2), 474-482
Home / The Coup-TFII orphan nuclear receptor is an activator of the γ-globin gene
Fugazza C, Barbarani G, Elangovan S, Marini MG, Giolitto S, Font-Monclus I, Marongiu MF, Manunza L, Strouboulis J, Cantù C, Gasparri F, Barabino SML, Nakamura Y, Ottolenghi S, Moi P, Ronchi AE
Haematologica (2021), 106(2), 474-482
Nerviano Medical Sciences S.r.l.
Viale Luigi Pasteur 10
20014 Nerviano (MI)
Share Capital: € 1,200,000.00
fully paid-in
Company subject to the management and coordination of NMS Group S.p.A.